Stevie Ray Vaughan was a one-man Blues revolution - a true Texan original that totally reinvigorated the blues guitar and made...
A Guitar Licks Goldmine awaits in this incredible blues collection! This DVD is jam-packed with tasty lead lines, phrases, and...
This excellent DVD will show you how to play Guitar parts to seven of U2's most popular tracks! Learn each song and play alo...
Learn five songs by one of the biggest rock acts of the 1970s, UFO, with note-for-note tuition by Dave Kilminster. This superb...
This excellent DVD will show you how to nail five solos by this rock Guitar legend! This superb tutorial includes Guitar jam t...
Includes note for note Guitar lessons and guitar jam tracks, taught by Jamie Humphries This excellent DVD will show you how to...
This USB stick includes backing tracks to a selection of 240 songs from The Real Book Volume 1, allowing musicians to play alo...
10 Kapitel voller faszinierender Groove Konzepten, u.a. Ghostnote Grooves, Linear Phrasing, Paradiddle Grooves. Dazu der kompl...
Vier Songs im Stile der gro?en Gitarrenhelden zeigen dir, wie Rockgeschichte geschrieben ...
An Hand von vier Beispielsongs f?hrt dich Sven Petri durch die Heldengeschichte des Rockd...
An Hand von vier Beispielsongs f?hrt dich Victor Smolski durch die Heldengeschichte der Metalgitarre. Vom klassischen Heavy Me...
DIE GENIALSTEN RIFFS IN 4 SONGS!Vier Songs im Stile der gro?e...
In an intimate master-class setting, Antonio Sanchez displays his extraordinary musical skills in the context of challenging s...
Der Surround-Mix einer Pop-Produktion ist f?r die meisten Produzenten immer noch Neuland....
This exceptional instruction DVD showcases Michael Schenker playing six of his greatest hits, including Doctor Doctor and Rock...
Die besten Licks und Riffs der Hendrix-?raSo spielt ihr den W...